This International Women’s Day, Just Cuts is focusing on action over words—investing in real support for those impacted by domestic and family violenc(...)
18th November 2024: Just Cuts, the Southern Hemisphere’s largest hairdressing franchise, is redefining style with an exciting brand refresh, marking (...)
Local entrepreneurs, Shezad and Tarin Javed, are opening a new Just Cuts inside Westfield Fountain Gate on Thursday, 31 October, at 9 am, and it’s a f(...)
Local hair salon Just Cuts Redbank has been recognised globally at the Just Cuts International Conference held recently in Fiji. The conference cul(...)
Local entrepreneurs, Oliver Adams and Peter Bogert, are re-opening Just Cuts Erina - The Corner. The grand re-opening will be on Thursday 26th Sept(...)
根據沙龍的大小和位置,設立的成本會有所不同。 一般來說在澳洲設立一個新的沙龍店成本在8萬5到26萬澳幣之間。
透過總部最初和持續的業務、營運和行銷方面的支持, 您將獲得加入值得信賴的美髮連鎖品牌的所有好處。 這是成為一個成立超過26年連鎖品牌業主財務及個人的最佳目標。
當然。事實上,超過一半的Just Cuts加盟業主擁有兩間或兩間以上的沙龍。 在超過26年的加盟營運的經驗中,我們的系統過了許多嘗試、不斷測試和時時改進已經非常完善。